Civic Space TV

Since its establishment in 2011, CCG has successfully implemented projects on Constitutionalism and Constitutional Literacy with the support from Christian Aid International and Open Society Foundations; Youth Mobilization and Tax Justice Campaigns with the support from Action Aid Uganda; Shrinking Civic Space in line with challenges of Freedom of Speech, Association and Assembly in Uganda-supported by CIVICUS; Partnered with East African Community (EAC) to organize the first EAC dialogue on political integration and 5th Annual Meeting on good governance in Kampala and Burundi
respectively, programs in Civic and Voter Education project codenamed “Youth Rock The Vote”, a Constitutional Sensitization pilot project in seven districts in an effort to supporting the upcoming Uganda’s constitutional review process in partnership with the International Republican Instituteiri

CCG is running a civic education program in 25 universities under Hope Initiative program and 8 religious affiliated institutions of higher learning with support from the Democratic Governance Facility – Uganda; and is also carrying out Research on “Re-examining Democracy in Uganda” with support from Open Society Initiative East Africa -OSIEA. CCG has registered remarkable success on advocacy for constitutional governance in Uganda as well as the re- awakening of the students’ movement in higher institutions of learning.

OUR MANDATE: Making the Constitution a Peoples Document

VISION: Building a center that empowers citizens to fully utilize their constitutional rights and obligations so as to participate in their governance, promote constitutional governance and defend the Constitution.

MISSION: To promote constitutional governance through carrying out constitutional literacy campaigns and advocacy across East Africa


Tunisia - Al Khatt